- Publisher: 45 Conversations Media & Education Ltd.
- Available in: Email and online learning page formats
At 45 Conversations Media & Education Ltd. we are committed to offering flexible, quality and unique online professional development experiences for today’s early childhood educators through ECE Workshops. As part of this we are focused on the development of a range of online workshops that offer 1, 3 or 6 hour professional development certificates each.
To ensure ECE Workshops truly meet the needs of the early childhood education field in Canada, are of exceptional quality and to support truly accessible professional development for as many early childhood educators as possible we offer review opportunities for each of the workshops that we produce.
About Our ECE Workshop Review Opportunities
As each online learning experience is released from ECE Workshops, we offer access to a selected* number (1-5) of early childhood educators for no charge.
Early childhood educators who are given early access are able to complete the workshop as if they had purchased it themselves.
In exchange for early access, the selected early childhood educators agree to also review the workshop while they are completing it. Reviewing the workshop means that they complete an additional questionnaire related to each learning hour of the workshop to provide us with overall feedback about the workshop content, design and learning experience. Professional development certificates are only awarded to reviewers who provide us with this feedback and who successfully complete the workshop.
Depending upon our production schedule and also on the needs of the workshop, we offer this access in advance of the workshop and/or in the early days of the workshop being made available to the public.
ECE Workshop Review Opportunities are a great way for ECE Workshops to collaborate with the field and ensure our commitment to quality is consistently maintained. These opportunities also support the truly affordable delivery of early childhood education professional development to as many early childhood educators as possible.
Want Access to Free ECE Workshops? Apply to be a Reviewer Today!
Please click on the Apply to be a Reviewer button, enter the required information and you will be sent further information on our application process.