- Publisher: 45 Conversations Media & Education Ltd.
- Available in: Delivered via email and online learning pages.
High Quality Online ECE Workshops You Can Start Now!
In this ECE Workshop you will explore supporting independence and self directed learning in young children.
Through This ECE Workshops Professional Development Experience You Will:
Understand the concept of “following the child” and how it relates to self-directed learning.
Assess your own personal beliefs and philosophies to determine how those beliefs can impact the children you care for, your team, and the environment you want to create.
Understand the benefits of supporting self-direction and independence in young children within early learning and care environments.
Identify five ways you can begin supporting self-direction and independence with the young children in your care.
Create a learning environment that puts child self-directed independence at the forefront.
Topics Covered Over 7 Days of Email Modules Sent Directly to You from ECE Workshops
Workshop Welcome & General Information
The “Follow The Child Pathway” Model
The “Follow The Child Pathway
The “Personal Side” of the Pathway
The “Practice Side” of the Pathway
Bringing Personal and Practice Together
Workshop Completion
Upon successful completion of this online ECE workshop you will be sent a 6 hour professional development certificate from ECE Workshops.
Educators LOVE Our Online ECE Workshops!
Wow! Look What Learners Are Saying About “It’s Not About Easy — It’s About Following the Child!” from ECE Workshops!!
“The Follow the Child Workshop is a great way to create a non chaotic classroom that meets all of the developmental needs of the children. This workshop explains how to maximize your classroom space to create an environment conductive to helping the child emerge into projects independently. The follow the child video explains that children must not be rushed when they are involved in something. They do not need to follow an exact schedule. Let them be involved in something for as long as they want to be involved in it. Then through decision making, choices, and problem solving of their own help them make their next choice.” ~ Nancy Malone RECE
“It was fun and convenient that kept me engaged throughout my 7 days with the instructors, thank you!” ~ YI – Vancouver BC
“Before I took this workshop, I thought I was doing the right things working with the children. After I took this work shop, I learned a lot about mealtime and naptime which are really helpful. I am excited to implement the skills and use some of the ideas I learned here.” ~ Solome Asfaw
“I am forever amazed how much we all learn when we are working together. It’s Not About Easy–It’s About Following The Child is presented to open minds and consider options in the classroom environment. It considers you as the teacher, and presents ideas that are a great stepping stone to “Following the Child”.
Thank you.” ~ Barbara Corbin, ECE
“Follow the child and the child follows you.” ~ Harmandeep Sekhon
“I found ‘It’s Not About Easy — It’s About Following The Child’ to be a very enlightening workshop. It has challenged and refreshed my way of thinking. I have come out of it with an even more inquisitive and open mind in relation to child-led programs. I am excited to implement some of the ideas I gained here in this workshop at my center and even more excited to watch how things evolve.” ~ Constance Jennings, Director of First Steps Childcare
“This workshop was all about following the child – something I thought that I was already doing so much of, yet here am I finishing the workshop and realizing how much I can now tweak and change in myself to allow the children to have more independence and fun while playing and learning.” ~ N.D. (RECE)
“I have learned a lot about following the child from the material provided in this course. It’s indeed an excellent and informative online course, worth my time and money. It gives me a wider perspective of viewing the approach of following the child. It definitely has a positive impact on my daily practice working with children. I would recommend this course for any early childhood educators.” ~ Sohaila Siddiqui, ECE, IT
“I would recommend this workshop and I look forward to what you have available next time! ~ Amanda, RECE
“The course led me to rediscover my personal beliefs of who I am, my values and impacted my relationships with people and my work as an ECE. ECEs can be successful if they observe the children following their cues, giving them independence to learn, instead of theme based programs.” ~ Roseline Eddu, RECE
“This workshop has really helped my put my practices into clearer perspective. Having dissected the workshop into personal and practice and then tying them together has made the journey really manageable. It is a workshop that really takes you away from everything and reflect about our practices and ECE educators and what we can do to improve our practices and even ourselves as humans.” ~ Deena Nabilah, Associate Teacher from Singapore
“Fantastic online course. I’ve been in the E.C.E. field for 33 years and this course has informed me as well as inspired me like I was 33 years ago. This is not a new concept but a great concept explained in a respectful inspiring way. Makes you take a look at your own beliefs and values. I look forward to implementing it in my program.” ~ Joan Simmons
“I really enjoyed the follow the child workshop. It was easy to follow and it was a very engaging experience that encourages to really reflect and be self aware all while be following the lead of the children.” ~ Melissa Fortin, RECE, Early Childhood Educator
“A genuine experience that encourages an educator to look deep and reflect on themselves, while putting the children at the forefront.” ~ Candice Scofield, ECE and owner/operator of Play & Learn with Friends Daycare
“Using the “follow the child” will make transition time more successful in the future.” ~ ECE level 2. Nova Scotia
“It is very useful workshop. It teaches you step by step how to implement following the child to your daily work.” ~ Hongyun Zheng, Early childhood Educator
“I really enjoyed the follow the child workshop. The format was easy to follow and complete each day and I like how it was broken down. It was informative and the audio parts each day were interesting to listen to. I feel this is an important practice to apply and it lines up my own personal philosophy. Thank you for the course.” ~ Natalie, ECE/IT educator in BC
“This is a great workshop to learn this concept, personally I found it useful and important.” ~ Katherine
“I feel following the child’s lead is important for their self esteem and self awareness and allows for success as an adult.” ~ Darlene Bannon, Manager and care provider for 25 years.
“I really enjoyed this workshop! I love that I can study from home in a fun and interactive environment.” ~ Nikki Shaver, Early Childhood Educator
“This workshop led me to understand the places in me that resist following the child and the places in me that very much want to follow the child. I think I also understand more fully why its important to allow a child to be self directed, how it can effect their young adulthood.” ~ Philippa Bowley ECE
“This workshop was very interesting as it was about a topic close to my heart – following the child. The facilitators were very engaging and informative. It was self-directed and allowed me to complete it at my convenience; truly, one of the easiest and more enjoyable ways for me to complete my professional development requirements!” ~ Cristina Abasolo, ECE and facility manager
“A great focus for a workshop! Being able to do it easily (on your own schedule and online) is a bonus.” ~ A. Thiessen
“Seek first to understand, then be understood” ~ Allen ECE
This workshop is very useful in every center, school or in your family.” ~ Bea Van Roy, ECE , Early Learning Educator
“This was my first time using an online workshop, it was very well organized and I love how you listened to the speakers and then wrote down your thoughts after. Then you had a quiz at the end of each session to demonstrate your learning. As a mother of four kids going out of town to complete hours for re certification for my ECE was getting very difficult between the time and the cost.” ~ Carolyn Fairholm Montessori Teacher, ECE
“The workshop appealed to me as it outlines a philosophy similar to the one I already try to follow, without glossing over the potential obstacles to implementing it in the real world.” ~ Catherine Hemming, Early Childhood Educator/Infant Toddler Educator
“Follow the child model actually provides me another way of reflecting what I am doing in the field. By doing so, I believe I could be more aware of who I am and what I can do for the children in my class.” ~ Cathy Cai, Registered ECE
“Flexible schedule and environment.” ~ Hyein Lee