The moment when it all comes together can be a pretty powerful moment. Especially if it is the moment when your realize that you have been fooling yourself. Fooling yourself that you:
- Love your job.
- Are happy in your relationships.
- Are the very best parent that you can be.
- Are living your life the way you want to live it.
- Are truly authentic in how you represent yourself to others.
Keep Fooling Yourself – For A While
So, yes – you can continue to fool yourself. Yes, you can live with it. You can get by. Know this though, fooling yourself is a bit like having a cut that begins to fester. Until you really deal with the source of the infection, things just won’t be quite right. You can put band-aid after band-aid on the cut. You can try the fancy ones, the waterproof ones and even the most expensive ones. They will all work but only for a while – band-aids only last so long. Your life is exactly the same. Remember that.
Own Your Life & Act
The harder – but better – approach to take when you recognize that you are fooling yourself is this – know that you have been fooling yourself. Strip all of the excuses away and greet your new understanding with acceptance. See the new knowledge for what it is. Examine it. Explore it. Most importantly though – own it. Own that you have been fooling yourself and make no excuses. Don’t blame anyone or anything else. If you can do this, then you will be well on your way to creating the life you want.
Know this – only YOU can own your life. Only YOU can create the change that enables you to be yourself. Only YOU can initiate the momentum that you need to get to where you want to be. No one else can do this for you. It involves work. It involves commitment. It involves believing in yourself. It involves taking ownership of YOUR life.
Will it be easy? No – not right away. Will you immediately have the life you want? No – not right away. Will it feel good? No – not at first. BUT – over time things will happen. Important things that will change your perception on many areas of your life. As you begin to create the kind of life you want you will slowly begin to feel relieved. As you build a life that aligns with your heart and your mind, you will come to understand that nothing matters more. You will feel happier. You will feel more content. You will feel at peace with yourself. You will work better, love better and play better. You will be an authentic person in all of your relationships. You will attract people who “get you” and you will find yourself willing to give more to others. You will also be able to live without putting band-aids everywhere.
As you think about your life right now – what do you see? Are you fooling yourself into happiness? Do you own your life? Remember, while there are two choices that you can make – there really only is one that will get you to the place that you are meant to be in. What do you choose?