Over the last while my blog posts have been way down, but on Twitter I have been having lots of great conversations with many friends, colleagues and super interesting people. I have been learning a lot…really following links and reading. Listening and processing. Being open to all that I come across. As 2011 arrived I found myself really thinking about what I am doing and where I am going in my work – which let's face it – really is the biggest part of my life (aside from my family). I now realize that my lack of blog postings is because of all of this thinking and processing that I have been doing. I sense some big shifts are coming – shifts that will be very good for both myself and the work that I do. For reasons, that I have yet to understand, the start of 2011 feels different than any other New Year that I have lived through thus far. I am open and ready for what is next. Bring it on.
How about you?