Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty denies his government is going to kill plans for school boards to run before- and after-school care programs for four- and five-year-olds.
A report published Wednesday in the Toronto Star said the Liberal government was set to approve the change to the province's full-day kindergarten program at a cabinet meeting later in the day.
McGuinty poured cold water on the story Wednesday morning. He told reporters the only change in the program is that the government is giving school boards the option to have third-party daycare providers like the YMCA offer the after-school daycare programs instead of the boards themselves.
"So what we're saying to the boards is, you can operate before- and after-school programming, or you can continue to maintain your third-party provider," he said. "But that third-party provider, if they're offering it offsite, must bring it onsite, and now they have got to use our curriculum."
via www.cbc.ca