The Commission is a group of twenty-five members, including two youth, appointed by the Snohomish County Council to serve as advisors on issues of health, safety and welfare of children. We are mandated by County Code to act in an advocacy role on behalf of children of Snohomish County. Research and development work are conducted through forums, public hearings and a strong committee structure. Advocacy work is accomplished through publications, legislative efforts, active involvement in resolving local issues and monthly meetings held in public session. Members are appointed to a four-year term and
represent a diversity of backgrounds, including: health and human services, law and justice, education, business and labor, children and youth, parents, minorities and concerned citizens.
Commissioners envision a society in which:
• All children have access to adequate health care and opportunities to reach their
..optimal health
• All children have opportunities to contribute meaningfully to their community
• All children receive a quality education tailored to their individual needs and learning
• All children live in a permanent home where they experience safety and stability and
..where they are loved unconditionally
• All children are safe from abuse, bullying and the harmful effects of alcohol and other
• All children have access to adequate nutrition and exercise for a healthy mind and body
• All children experience positive bonding with a parental figure and have exposure to
..appropriate adult role models
• Decision makers routinely make abundant resources available for the needs of children
..and families and consider the best interests of children and families in all decisions
Additionally, each Commissioner appointed by the County Council has agreed to enhance children's lives by attending the regularly scheduled Children's Commission meetings; representing the Commission in the community; actively participating in children's legislation and participating in forums, events, trainings and/or projects sponsored by the Commission.
Finally, Commissioners have pledged to respect and support the children and families in Snohomish County by taking action to:
• Enrich their relationships with children
• Be a positive role model for youth
• Make themselves available to youth
• Donate time or money to community organizations that enhance children's lives
• Be an active partner with organizations that support children and families
• Keep Snohomish County a safe, caring and exciting place for children and families