The purpose of the Call for Proposals is to solicit funding
applications for the Women's Community Fund of the Women's Program,
Status of Women Canada.
The call is open to eligible
not-for-profit and for-profit organizations to carry out projects at
the local, regional, provincial/territorial and national levels.
determining funding priorities, Status of Women Canada ensures that the
Women's Program resources are invested where the need is the greatest
and where there is a clear potential to make a concrete and direct
difference. This means not all eligible applications will be funded.
number of projects selected for funding will be based upon the
availability of funds, and while all proposals will receive due
consideration, preference will be given to those that fall within the 2009-2010 funding priorities.
Status of Women Canada will focus its support on projects that address its 2009 priorities:
- Ending violence against women and girls
- Improving women's and girls' economic security and prosperity
- Encouraging women and girls in leadership and decision-making roles
Status of Women Canada supports projects that encourage action to bring about the advancement of all women in Canada.