Health Work & Wellness™ Conference 2010
Thinking Organizations…SUCCEED!
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Vancouver, B.C,
September 30 – October 3, 2010Think, think, think,… our brains are always doing it and our organizations are always counting on it. When change and transformation are happening so rapidly in business and in the world around us, we need to be more fluid in our thinking on one hand, while being better critical thinkers on the other. We need to tap into our right brain more often for that intuition and emotional
awareness that is there, yet not lose sight of the left brain logical, objective thinking.For 2010, Health Work & Wellness™, Canada's leading forum on organizational health will focus on helping you to build a "thinking organization". This requires engaged, empowered leadership. It requires us to narrow the "knowing-doing gap". It means integrating organizational health with business objectives. And it may require a big culture shift.
As we emerge from economic recession, the success of organizations will be determined largely by their ability to think in a new
business environment. Optimal performance at all levels will depend on optimal thinking.
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