On November 12, 2009 the following was in the PEI Throne Speech:
My Government is mindful that the magnitude of this change will have an
impact on the early childhood sector. My Government recognizes that
early childhood education and care holds lifelong benefits for children
– and provides vital support to Island families. My Government is
working with the early childhood sector to define the financial and
human resource impacts and to identify potential transition measures to
help the sector move toward sustainability. In the coming year, my
Government will build on this work through a comprehensive review to
establish a vision and long-term strategy for the healthy development
and well-being of Island children and their families.
In a Press Release from the PEI Provincial Government today the following was stated:
The provincial government announced in the Speech from the Throne that
it will soon initiate a wider process to establish a vision and long
term strategy for the early childhood sector. “This will bring parents,
early childhood educators and partners together to identify what we
want for our children, and how we can work together towards a vibrant,
sustainable early childhood sector in Prince Edward Island.”
So which is it?
Are we developing a vision and long term strategy for the healthy development and well-being of Island children and their families or are we developing a vision and long-term strategy for the early childhood sector? While there are direct connections between the two; the reality is that they are vastly different.
Clearly, there are significant issues to be addressed with the transition to Full Day Kindergarten. The impacts to community based child care and early learning programs are vast. Of course, the Government should be addressing these. It is good to see some small steps in this direction. That said; it would be a huge mistake to only focus on the needs of the early childhood sector.
Prince Edward Island needs a comprehensive, broad based early childhood development strategy for all young children. (Not just those who are in licensed child care programs!) This strategy needs to be about children and families – not just the early childhood sector.
Such a strategy should be comprehensive both in scope and nature. A strategy that is
actually supported and implemented by all of the partners; including
the PEI government. We need to dream big…the sky should be the limit
for our children. After all, they are our future. If we don't invest
now we will pay later; there is endless research to demonstrate this.
Such a strategy will need to be designed through comprehensive public
consultation, research and planning. This will take the leadership and
support of all who are involved – those who work with children and
families, operators, health professionals, community agencies, professional associations, government employees,
the government as a whole and the individual MLA's, community members
AND most importantly – PEI FAMILIES. Flexibility and a willingness by
ALL to put PEI children and families first will be the key to
success….for both the Island and it's children.
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