Education matters — but really — what is it?
At 45 Conversations we think about education in the broadest terms. It’s one of those all encompassing words for learning. To us — learning is what we really need to be paying attention to. Really, we are always learning.
Our Thinking
We all need to learn in ways that truly work for the person we are. The more we learn about learning the more we discover that meeting individual learning needs is essential. The days of cookie cutter learning are increasingly becoming a thing of the past. This shift impacts anything and everything. Especially learning environments, community programs and workplaces.
Our Approach
First of all we recognize an essential truth — there is no one great place to learn. There are many. And the way we think about place has changed too. We no longer need to “go somewhere” to learn — because we can access learning from virtually anywhere. This means that the concept of “place” exists in not only the physical sense but in the the virtual sense too.
Beyond this, we are committed to working with each client to learn together about learning. Every project we work on has a certain level of customization to it.
Learning Environments, Schools & Child Care Programs
We offer customized professional development experiences, online workshops and team based learning opportunities related to:
Early Childhood Education
Self Directed Learning
Mixed Philosophy Programming for the Early Years and Independent Schools
Children with Exceptionalities
Integrating Social Media Tools into Classrooms & Education Environments
Digital Storytelling for Educators & Students
Leadership Development
Building Exceptional Programs
We offer consulting services related to the design, development and operations of:
Community Based Child Care Centres
Workplace Child Care Services
Self Directed Learning Programs
Montessori Programs
Mixed Philosophy Early Learning & Care
Indigenous Early Learning & Care Programs
Fine Arts Programming
Small Businesses & Workplaces
We offer customized presentations and workshops for teams related to:
Work-Life Balance is a Myth!
Building a Business with Generosity & Intention
Attracting and Retaining Employees
Social Media & Digital Marketing
We offer presentations, workshops and retreats related to:
Community Building
Using Social Media to Create Community
Work-Life Harmony in Community
Supporting Families with Children
For further information please contact Jane Boyd at 604-343-7245.