Ideas for Early Childhood Educators
Does your “To Do” list include self-care?
Sure, we all have To Do lists.
That list of things is endless.
There’s always more that can be done.
Here’s the thing — no matter how long your list of things to get done is — it’s essential that you put caring for yourself on that list every day.
Self-care really does matter. In fact, it’s essential. Especially for Early Childhood Educators.
The list of tasks will never end but the more that you make yourself a priority the batter capable you will be at completing the tasks that are in front of you each day.
As urgent as everything is — there truly is nothing more urgent than your own self-care. Remember that.
Simple Self-care Strategies for Early Childhood Educators
Here are some simple strategies that you can immediately put into action in order to begin caring for yourself right now.
Drink more water.
Sure it sounds simple. Yet — for most of us, we don’t drink enough water in the day. Water is really, really good for you. And it’s especially good for helping your brain to stay focused and on task. Hydrate. Instead of reaching for a coffee — refill your water bottle — and drink, drink, drink!!
Go outside and look at the sky.
Sometimes we spend too much time inside. And sometimes when we are outside we are focused on where we are going, what’s happening around us or what the weather is doing. Try going outside and simply looking up. Look at the sky. Notice the colours you see. Are there clouds? Is the sun shining? Do you see stars? Breathe. And breathe again. Plus — breathe some more. All while looking up and at the sky. Reconnect your feet to the ground while doing nothing but taking in the wonder of what the sky has to show you.
Go for a walk.
Feeling frustrated? Tired? Disconnected? Put your shoes on and go for a walk outside. It doesn’t need to be a big walk. Perhaps it’s just to your mailbox. Or maybe around the corner to the park or local store. Put one foot in front of the other and simply move. Step by step by step. And while you are at it — try looking up at the sky too and also take a big drink of water from that water bottle that you filled up!
Get quiet and breathe.
Stop talking. Just be quiet. Tune out the noises around you. Breathe. In and out. And in and out. Over and over. Listen to your breath. Trust that it knows what to do. Follow your breath. Be still and in the moment. You don’t need to think about anything other than your breathing. Do this for 5-10 minutes twice a day to regroup your mind with your body. Simply be quiet. And breathe.
Self-care is really so very important. And it’s actually quite simple. So make sure it’s on the top of your To Do list” and keep it there.
This is a great list for everyone .. thank you so much
Hi Barbara – So glad you found the list helpful! Here’s to a lots of self-care as we finish 2020! ~ Jane