Over the years we have received a lot of positive feedback about the ECE Workshops and professional development experiences that we create for child care professionals and early childhood educators.
We offer face to face learning (online and in-person) as well as online ECE Workshops. Our professional development is designed to offer a truly high quality, innovative and engaging experience.
We could tell you so much more but we think it’s better to share the words of fellow child care professionals that have been part of our learning experiences.

Being a part of this workshop was not only helpful in learning more about the Montessori approach, but it really solidified my perspectives and philosophy as an Educator. I really enjoyed taking this time and being offered new ideas and inspiration.
~ Jessica Schellenberg, Owner/Educator, Family Folk Singer – Chorus & Clouds, Learning Studio for Families
Child Care Professionals Love ECE Workshops!

“This is great workshop, perfect for ECE hours. I loved that I got to watch how Montessori methods are implemented in other countries.” ~ Erin Millie
“This ECE workshop was phenomenal, it is very informative and has a lot of great information about the Montessori method of teaching. I highly recommend this workshop if you are looking to implement a Montessori Inspired method. This workshop is well put together, I know there is much more to learn in the Montessori method, but the information I received from this workshop I feel as if I should be running an authentic Montessori program with it.” ~ Jacea Salmon Brown
“This course was very informative and had some great videos to show how to implement the learning you are doing into your centers. I loved how you can work at your own pace and it made it easier for me to commit to this course. I was pleasantly surprised about how much I learned in this course. Highly recommend!” ~ Jenna Gallant
“Jane is amazing – the knowledge she knows, and the way she shares in an easy to understand manner. I love her workshops.” ~ Sarah Poole
“I am so excited to implement to best suit the needs of my homedaycare ! Very informative, and fun !” ~ Corinne Williams, RSG Quebec recognized home daycare provider
“Loved this workshop. It gave a lot of information, as well as it was at your own pace, you can stop and continue whenever which is amazing for many reasons, one being it’s a lot of information to take in on just one day, as well as busy work schedule. Thank you so much for this great opportunity, I’m looking forward to bringing this approach into practice.” ~ Edisa Residovic
“I really enjoyed this workshop, there was a lot of great information to help anyone that is interested in going into a Montessori classroom!
“It was a very informative workshop!”
“What a great workshop! I came into this workshop knowing next to nothing about authentic Montessori education or how to implement a Montessori-inspired program into my current program. I am certainly still no expert, but I am a lot more comfortable with the idea of making changing to my classroom and inspired to learn more. This workshop is worth it!”
“Excellent workshop, very relevant information with a variety of engaging use of media throughout and many practical takeaways that I can immediately apply to my practice. Thank you!”
“Very well presented workshop in a clear way. Bringing in parts and ideas from other theories is a great tool to enhance the child’s day.”
“I like this workshop and found it had a ton of useful information. It had enough pictures and videos to keep it interesting. I also like the idea that I could work on it whenever I had time. It wasn’t that every Thursday morning at 9:30 I would have to sign in and do a certain amount of work. I could just work on it here and there.”
“This workshop was very informative and well laid out to better understand Montessori inspired approach and give you the confidence to implement what you learned.”
“This was an inspiring course that was enjoyable to do. I feel it has a lot to offer in supporting programs with quality care for our children.”
“Well structured and self-paced, lots of supporting video examples – liked it very much. Thank you.”
“It was a great learning experience.”
“I enjoyed learning about this inspired approach as it gave easy ideas of how to incorporate this into any centre.”
“Being able to take profession development courses on-line can be a lifesaver when there are not enough courses available in your community to allow you to obtain your 40 hours in a timely manner.”
“I love Jane’s workshop, it’s useful and informative, and I really enjoy the video interaction from Jane. I recommend workshops from Jane to ECE educators!”
“Another great workshop experience from Jane providing a professional and educational experience.”
“Wonderful. Full of info. Can’t wait to take another.”
“I learned a lot at my own phase, so I didn’t have to rush through it.”
“It can open up the minds of Educators who are schooled in different countries currently practicing in BC.”

My experience at the ECE Reflect and Recharge Retreat has forever shifted the way I think about professional growth. I am beyond grateful for Jane’s kindness and wisdom. She gives herself wholeheartedly and shares with such grace and passion. She leads by example and encourages others to find their own special passion. The format of presenter, Mastermind discussion, to setting an intent left each of us with a clear connection to what we wanted to accomplish as well as tools to help that come to fruition. I came home with a vision for my practice, tools to bring that vision to life and a new found strength to dream big. The ECE Reflect and Recharge Retreat has impacted my life and my practice in the most wonderful ways. I am forever changed and so thankful I had the chance to attend.
~ Carrie Nahorney, ECE
“The Follow the Child Workshop is a great way to create a non chaotic classroom that meets all of the developmental needs of the children. This workshop explains how to maximize your classroom space to create an environment conductive to helping the child emerge into projects independently. The follow the child video explains that children must not be rushed when they are involved in something. They do not need to follow an exact schedule. Let them be involved in something for as long as they want to be involved in it. Then through decision making, choices, and problem solving of their own help them make their next choice.” ~ Nancy Malone RECE
“It was fun and convenient that kept me engaged throughout my 7 days with the instructors, thank you!” ~ YI – Vancouver BC
“Before I took this workshop, I thought I was doing the right things working with the children. After I took this work shop, I learned a lot about mealtime and naptime which are really helpful. I am excited to implement the skills and use some of the ideas I learned here.” ~ Solome Asfaw
“I am forever amazed how much we all learn when we are working together. It’s Not About Easy–It’s About Following The Child is presented to open minds and consider options in the classroom environment. It considers you as the teacher, and presents ideas that are a great stepping stone to “Following the Child”.
Thank you.” ~ Barbara Corbin, ECE
“Follow the child and the child follows you.” ~ Harmandeep Sekhon
“I found ‘It’s Not About Easy — It’s About Following The Child’ to be a very enlightening workshop. It has challenged and refreshed my way of thinking. I have come out of it with an even more inquisitive and open mind in relation to child-led programs. I am excited to implement some of the ideas I gained here in this workshop at my center and even more excited to watch how things evolve.” ~ Constance Jennings, Director of First Steps Childcare
“This workshop was all about following the child – something I thought that I was already doing so much of, yet here am I finishing the workshop and realizing how much I can now tweak and change in myself to allow the children to have more independence and fun while playing and learning.” ~ N.D. (RECE)
“I have learned a lot about following the child from the material provided in this course. It’s indeed an excellent and informative online course, worth my time and money. It gives me a wider perspective of viewing the approach of following the child. It definitely has a positive impact on my daily practice working with children. I would recommend this course for any early childhood educators.” ~ Sohaila Siddiqui, ECE, IT
“I would recommend this workshop and I look forward to what you have available next time! ~ Amanda, RECE
“The course led me to rediscover my personal beliefs of who I am, my values and impacted my relationships with people and my work as an ECE. ECEs can be successful if they observe the children following their cues, giving them independence to learn, instead of theme based programs.” ~ Roseline Eddu, RECE