Since Google+ first introduced Hangouts On Air last month I have been exploring a range of uses for them with a number of my colleagues around the world.
Google+ Hangouts have been around for over a year, but it is only recently that all G+ users have been able to actually make a hangout run live “On Air” whenever they want to. This means that anyone, anywhere can hold a meeting, gathering or hangout and make it immediately accessible (and live) to a wider audience via their You Tube channel. This opens up the door for some amazing possibilities.
Shortly after Hangouts On Air were launched I decided that it might be worth it to really start experimenting with them. I was quite inspired to try this after seeing some of the interesting ways that Bernie Goldbach was using the On Air feature at various education and social media events.
After some discussion with my colleagues April Ennis and Marti Konstant we decided that we would host a weekly (or more) Hangout On Air that we decided to call StartupJAM Sessions. The focus of these Hangouts are on business issues, lean startups, marketing, technology, social media, transmedia, online community building and much more.
Here is the which outlines the sessions that we have held so far:

- Be yourself. Just jump in. Don’t worry about how you look or sound. (But do remember that you are ON AIR – if you choose to make your hangout public – SO be aware of what you are saying.)
- Experiment and play with the various features until you feel comfortable.
- Use other social media channels – Twitter, Facebook etc. to attract viewers to your Hangout sessions.
- Know that there is no right or wrong way to host a G+ Hangout On Air. Mistakes are ok. You and the people who view your Hangouts will learn from your errors.
- Have fun and embrace the opportunities that are open to you.