Ruk (Peter) has been holding a really interesting series of conversations via his blog over the last little while with Bruce MacNaughton, of the Prince Edward Island Preserve Company in New Glasgow, Prince Edward Island. Being that the PEI Preserve Company is one of my favourite places on the Island to visit, I was interested to view these video conversations.
In watching them several things stood out to me:
1. I felt part of the conversation. The conversations that Peter and Bruce held were candid and came across as authentic. When I watched these videos, I found myself feeling that I was at the table with them participating – interesting given that much of the discussion was about ways to create a sense of community via the online world.
2. Perhaps online community creation is easier when there is something "real" attached to it. In this case, Bruce's preserves, his company's location, the beauty of the Island etc. Given that I have experienced all of these things personally, I think that I felt more able to be connected to the discussion and more interested in participating by blogging about it myself.
3. I know why I love PEI. All you have to do is look at the incredible scenery at 13:01 in this video to understand that.
Conversations with Bruce No. 3 from Peter Rukavina on Vimeo.
4. Online community and experiences can be built in ways that truly have meaning. Peter and Bruce talked in this video below about various online stores and ways that one can feel a relationship or connection with them. This is an interesting concept and certainly one that many large companies have been trying create. That said; I think many companies have a long way to go in this regard. Just because you have an online store; send out some Tweets and blog a bit does not mean you can have instant community. It seems to me that it takes much more than that. In my mind; the experience must some how be made personal and seamless. I have found Lands End to to be a very positive experience. All of my interactions with them – via their website sales, their call centre people and their products have been excellent. When I have had any problems they have fixed them right away and always with a smile – that I felt via the online experience. Even though I have never been "to" Lands End, I feel a sense of loyalty to what they sell and the sense of community that I have experienced when I shop with them. I could probably also say this about Westjet.
Conversations with Bruce No. 4 from Peter Rukavina on Vimeo.
In the case of the PEI Preserve Company; I do think that it is very possible to expand even further on the sense of community that
already exists and to also build an online relationship/shopping experience
that is even more unique and memorable than it currently is. The simple fact that I was engaged by these conversations have only reinforced the power of online community building to me. Thanks Peter and Bruce!
I’ve just come home from Prince Edward Island, where I met a charming older gentleman (I believe the tour guide called him Amert?) who stood outside the lighthouse at land’s end and wanted tourists to take photos of him. Can you give me his correct name? He said his photo had been in the catalog or magazine Land’s End. We later went to have the best lobster ever and want to return,