Feeling stressed at the end of a long day in the classroom working with children? Many Early Childhood Educators feels this way on some days. It’s a really normal feeling to feel stressed — especially after a hectic busy day caring for children. Here’s one simple idea that you can try that might just make a difference.
Go outside and look at the sky.
As Early Childhood Educators sometimes we spend too much time inside. And when we are outside we are focused on where we are going, what’s happening around us or how to ensure the children remain safe.
So right now — in this moment (assuming you are no longer caring for children when you are reading this) — try going outside and simply looking up.
Look at the sky.
Way up.
Focus. Relax. Breathe.
Notice the colours you see.
Are there clouds? Are they moving?
Is the sun shining or do you see stars?
Just look. As in LOOK!
Breathe. And breathe again.
Plus — breathe some more.
All while looking up and at the sky.
Reconnect your feet to the ground while doing nothing but taking in the wonder of what the sky has to show you.
Need some other ideas related to reducing stress and improving your self-care? Check out this recent post we prepared especially for Early Childhood Educators.